Cartes, plans et signalétique métropolitaine

Great that they were able to change it quickly but I’m still surprised to learn that you had to report it to them… Is there no one in charge at Exo to take care of these updates? It just blows my mind.

2 « J'aime »

La page d’information des gares d’Exo fait encore référence aux anciennes zones de l’AMT. donc, je dirais que non.

8 « J'aime »

Je ne voulais pas tomber dans le exo bashing alors je ne l’avais pas partagé sur le forum, mais ils doivent avoir eu plusieurs signalements depuis la mise en place de la refonte :person_facepalming: Je suis surpris que ça ne soit toujours pas à jour.

2 « J'aime »

I’ve emailed them, and they asked which stations:

So I said every single station, and linked them all, with screenshots lol that should keep them busy:

10 « J'aime »

I swear since coming to this province I have experienced both the depths of bureaucratic slog and the heights of poor quality control.

Good eye. Hopefully they fix this.

Another new sticker. Do you guys have an idea why it covers two routes?

2 « J'aime »


Il s’agissait du numéro d’une navette or (service suspendu indéfiniment)

1 « J'aime »

Je suis pas tant fan, justement parce que ça indique le Nord plutôt que le Mord, ça répond pas vraiment aux questions qu’on se pose quand on cherche ses directions à la soetie d’une station.
Indiquer le Mord c’est éviter de forcer les utilisateurs à deviner l’inclinaison de la rue locale par rapport au nord et devoir compenser mentalement

2 « J'aime »

The person who I’m working for now got to talk to Jules Bélanger, who apparently pushed this standardized signage a LOT. He contacted all the building owners, talked with them, really forced this signage, saying how it would help people a lot, and it was great. Without him, these signs wouldn’t even be there.

Since he passed away in 2020, the signage has slowly been taken away, removing it piece by piece. PVM was renovated and no longer even mentions the RÉSO, Place Bonaventure has been renovated now too and doesn’t have RÉSO signage. It’s really a shame, because the city could have a main standardized sign like this. Many people visiting Montreal know of the “underground city” and want to walk through it, but because of how complex it is, they don’t use it at all, or if they do, they get lost.

13 « J'aime »

Et pendant ce temps-là du coté de Toronto, la signalétique du PATH est bien présente. :man_shrugging:

5 « J'aime »

The ARTM booth at Longueuil now features the REM logo. Previously, this featured the company logos (exo, STM, RTL), now it features the services like the ticket booths at bus terminals with the REM

13 « J'aime »

Is there a possible reason for why the orange line circle text is black (instead of the typical white) on the Plan de Quartier?

1 « J'aime »

On the map it’s white

@sapino_1 This is exactly my point! Everywhere it’s white, except the plan de quartier of the STM…

2 « J'aime »

Great mysteries of the universe :sweat_smile:

I think it’s a mistake. Some of the Plan de quartier have it in white and some in black.

1 « J'aime »

@james_amend I have not seen one that was correct. Could you tell me which one was?

1 « J'aime »

My bad, I mixed it up with the Mascouche line. The text is originally white because black is too low-contrast on the icon’s background, but in a lot of implementations the text is black to match the other train lines.

1 « J'aime »

Then why is the green line white? Perhaps they changed the orange line colour (since it was small icon) and had to change the colour of the text to better reflect the contrast…