Ailleurs dans le monde - Voirie et infrastructures cyclables

Discussion et actualités sur la voirie, les projets autoroutiers et les infrastructures cyclables ailleurs dans le monde

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L’Ontario songe à bannir certaines pistes cyclables

Gouvernement d’Ontario pense a mettre en place un reglement pour restreindre la construction des pistes de vélo… :roll_eyes:

À CityNews

Clairement, Doug Ford ne connaît pas le phénomène d’évaporation du trafic

Future bike lanes could be slowed by new provincial gridlock plans

The Ford government intends to introduce legislation to keep bike lanes from being installed if other traffic lanes are reduced. Cycling advocates warn the measures would make roads unsafe and gridlock worse. Mark McAllister has more.

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A personal injury lawyer advocating for infrastructure reducing chances of injury :exploding_head: I like that guy.

Pour le contexte, West Vancouver est la ville la moins dense, et la plus contraire au développement du région.

“The bike lane is closed on a temporary basis until such time that it can be integrated into a more extensive, connected cycling network. As an interim measure, temporary planter boxes and seating areas allow the bike lane to be utilized as public space,” a spokesperson for the District of West Vancouver.

Si on ferme les pistes cyclables, on n’aura jamais un réseau interconnecté…

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Doug Ford répond aux critiques sur son plan

‘Hogwash’: Doug Ford responds to critics of leaked bike lane plan

Ontario Premier Doug Ford had strong words for critics of a proposed plan that would restrict the installation of new bike lanes in cities.

A clip straight out of the 90s. For someone who insists drivers shouldn’t be penalized because of “politics”, he is going above and beyond to prevent bike infrastructure due to his personal political beliefs. Bike lanes are very obviously not the cause of traffic in Toronto. It’s probably the 7 or so million cars. Maybe he misread whatever transportation report he was handed !

Car infrastructure isn’t the natural order of things. It is political, and has been from the beginning. The auto oriented design of our modern cities and the single family home suburbs were one of the largest manufactured social changes in modern history. None of it was natural.

I think we can safely tone down the praise this forum has been giving Ford for his transportation plan.

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CityNerd a publié un vidéo sur la ville de Détroit

Il y a quelques voies cyclables intéressantes dans le centre de la ville. Il y a aussi un service de vélopartage (MOGO) avec des vélos de PBSC (Bixi) qui offre des passes à 15 USD pour 3 jours (parfait pour les touristes)!

I Visited the Capital of Motordom and I Have Thoughts

If the only things you know about Detroit are what you’ve seen in the national news in the last few decades…you’re in for a shock.

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À Washington aussi, le système de vélopartage bat des records d’utilisation!

While the Washington region begins to cool, Capital Bikeshare (CaBi) ridership remains hot. CaBi broke the all-time monthly ridership record in August with 614,639 rides. This is a 31.1% increase in system use from August 2023 and marks the fourth consecutive month where CaBi has shattered its previous milestone for busiest month on record. The regional network has experienced year-over-year monthly ridership increases for 32 consecutive months. Annual ridership continues to thrive as 3,788,634 trips have been taken in 2024—a 31.3% increase from a year prior.

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Vidéo de Oh The Urbanity!

Doug Ford’s Terrible Plan for Cycling in Toronto

With the goal of speeding up Toronto’s congested roads, the government of Ontario has been considering banning the installation of bike lanes that take space from cars.

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Nouvelle vidéo de Tom Babin/Shifter

Il y a des caméras qui prennent des photos des automobilistes qui entrent dans les zones interdites aux véhicules et les contrevenants reçoivent une contravention :open_mouth:

Il donne aussi quelques exemples de filtres modaux à Montréal!

I went inside a “war on cars” neighbourhood in the UK

Perhaps the defining battle in the UK’s culture wars in the past few years has been over LTNs, or “low-traffic neighbourhoods.” Depicted by some as a “war on cars” and by others as a simple plan to preserve residential neighbourhoods, the skirmishes over these ideas have even become national election issues. So I got a tour of one of these neighbourhoods and realized the things that make up an LTN might already be in your neck of the woods.

Thanks to Jakub Mamczak of the London Cycling Campaign for the tour of his neighbourhood.

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un service de vélos pliants en libre-service à Londres :open_mouth:

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Reportage de CityNews

Toronto will soon need approval from province to build bike lanes

The Ford government says Toronto has the third longest travel times in the world. We sit down with Transportation Minister Prabmeet Sarkaria to discuss his plans to speed things up.

Colis de mentalité de mononcle, ils vont détruire dix ans de progrès et faire stagner l’enjeu cyclable pour la prochaine décennie. De quoi donner des idées à François Legault.

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L’Ontario ne souhaite plus créer de pistes cyclables au détriment de voies de circulation automobile : Les pistes cyclables mènent-elles à de la congestion? L’Ontario pense que oui | Radio-Canada

J’ai vu la nouvelle osti c’est terrible.

Méchant “carbrain vibe” en tous cas et gros retour en arrière.

Faut se rappeler que Denis Coderre avait aussi promis de défaire des pistes cyclables (une partie du REV si je ne m’abuse) s’il était réélu maire de Montréal et qu’il se représente à la chefferie du parti libéral… Alors malheureusement on est pas à l’abri non plus.

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Est-ce que vous pensez que ça va vraiment passé ou la pression va faire reculer?

Le gouvernement conservateur provincial est majoritaire alors la loi passera sauf si les gens arrivent à s’organiser et à manifester leur mécontentement… Mais même là rien est garanti.