Aéroport Montréal-Trudeau (YUL) - Discussion générale

This may not be from outside the terminal, but I love this video showing how how a domestic traveler would connect at YUL

4 « J'aime »

It’s embarrassing. Our airport, serving a metro area of 4.5 million and the second largest city in the country, is worse than those of some provincial backwaters in Europe and Asia.

10 « J'aime »

I agree, this video proves that YUL needs an extension project that will include a proper domestic section

1 « J'aime »

Clearly we need an expansion, but how is this embarassing? It took this person 15 minutes to get from the domestic jetty to the international jetty… What more could you possibly want?

Sure, the overall feel of the domestic side is that it’s crowded and cramped, mostly because ceilings are low and passageways are narrow, but again… This is not embarassing.

HOWEVER. Given the trend in passenger numbers, ADM has to plan an expansion soon, because otherwise it WILL become very problematic (on the airside, curbside is already a huge issue).

And if you think this is just a Montreal thing… Pearson is 10x worse honestly…

11 « J'aime »

Spectacular growth for October 2023
Link: https://www.admtl.com/sites/default/files/2022/Stats_oct_FR.pdf

October +9.5%
International +24.6% :exploding_head:
Transborder +9.2%
Domestic -5.4%

17.9 million YTD
21 million looks to be a lock for the year.


18 « J'aime »

Good numbers, but domestic …ayoye

Yup, domestic flights just aren’t our thing it seems. A shame really. If we could pull our weight there we’d probably be up there knocking at YVR’s door.

3 « J'aime »

WestJet pulled out for… reasons. Not among them was “insufficient demand.”

1 « J'aime »

Il y a probablement une question de différence culturelle, mais quand on compare tout simplement l’offre qu’on a ici entre Montréal et les régions, on comprend en partie pourquoi Vancouver se démarque.

Des vols entre Vancouver et Kamloops ou Kelowna, il peut y en avoir une dizaine par jour. En distance et population comparable ici, on a Saguenay qui n’a qu’un seul vol par jour. Les seules villes de région qui ont un service décent, c’est pas mal juste Val d’Or ou Sept-Îles. Rimouski est prise avec quelques vols par semaines qui font 2-3 escales et qui sont plus long que de conduire, Gaspé n’a plus de vol et pour le reste des petits aéroports régionaux, on parle d’un vol par jour maximum. Et on ne parle même pas du prix de ces vols!

1 « J'aime »

“Domestic” isn’t just provincial; pretty much anywhere out of Vancouver that isn’t reached by ferry is travelled by plane. YVR is the port-of-entry for the majority of Asia and all Oceania traffic, so anybody continuing onward does so by plane (and likely aboard AC). In contrast, much international traffic at YUL is origin or destination precisely because other large markets are also served directly.

5 « J'aime »

Algiers – Montreal 16JUN24 – 14SEP24 Peak season service increases from 9 weekly in 2023 to 10 weekly, A330-200
AH2702 ALG0400 – 0800YUL 332 6
AH2702 ALG0600 – 1000YUL 332 7
AH2702 ALG0700 – 1100YUL 332 2
AH2700 ALG1010 – 1410YUL 332 D

AH2703 YUL1000 – 2250ALG 332 6
AH2703 YUL1200 – 0050+1ALG 332 7
AH2703 YUL1300 – 0150+1ALG 332 2
AH2701 YUL1610 – 0500+1ALG 332 D


London Heathrow – Montreal eff 31MAR24 1 daily 787-8, instead of 6 weekly 787-9 and 1 weekly -8


4 « J'aime »

Sur les routes AC transatlantique(Europe et Afrique) ex YUL, quel est le % de pax qui connectent beyond soit Canada soit US?

Depends on the route, time of year as well, but I’d say the average is anywhere from 25-30% connecting traffic, some routes more then others.

I.e YUL-DEL is over 80% connections and YUL-CDG is under 20%.
I did a breakdown back in July on a random date, just because I had nothing better to do, and it was around 25-30% average.

Air Canada after all is after that 6th freedom traffic from USA, and a lot of those new US/ INT routes wouldn’t be possible without feed from these flights.

11 « J'aime »

Alex, do you know where the YUL-DEL market is connecting from YUL ? I am curious

1 « J'aime »

Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg

2 « J'aime »

I guess it is all up to pricing… TO and Van have more flights then YUL. interesting

1 « J'aime »

Toronto Delhi is a huge market, and Vancouver only has Air India now, AC is restricted with Russian airspace closures.

4 « J'aime »

Delhi va grossir de plus en plus comme destination.
Les indiens represente le plus nombreux groupe d’immigrants depuis quelques années.

2 « J'aime »

Yes, but they’re not coming to Montreal in numbers like Toronto and Vancouver.

Most are here for school.

2 « J'aime »

De TLS y a des connections vers Seattle? Lys et Nce OD je suppose? NCE aura les trois majors US en saison en 2024.

Débarquement américain sur l’aéroport de Nice en 2024

American Airlines, Delta Air Lines et United Airlines : les trois géants américains de l’aviation montent en puissance à Nice en 2024…

Good to know