Aéroport Montréal-Trudeau (YUL) - Discussion générale

It’s not hard to fill up a gate area at YUL :wink::smile:

Their 77Ws seat 335-412. That’s a lot of capacity.

Not at 63.

And so what, AC’s 77W have 400-450 seats and I can tell you there always full.

There’s always people that will pay the cheapest price possible for a ticket no matter where they are going, my dad has used QR twice now to get Manila when he could have just gone via NRT.

7 « J'aime »

Clearly some demand exists as AC flies to DEL, has scheduled service to Cairo and you have others like Royal Jordanian to Amman… obviously Turkish to Istambul.

India in particular has grown as a source of immigration which then drives VFR traffic.

Not sure how they do on premium traffic though although I do know a good # of folks split time between Dubai/Qatar and Montreal (often Lebanese, Syrians, etc. living there, sending the kids to school here, often quite wealthy and also active in the Real Estate market). Is it enough to fill 30+ business class seats, that I don’t know!

It will be interesting if Ethiopian comes on day… makes sense for a Star carrier.

4 « J'aime »

Dubai est plus attractif que Doha ou pire Abu Dhabi.C’est devenu une destination loisirs à part entière, à Doha peu de choses à faire sur ce plan.Beaucoup connectent vers Asie, Australie, Océan Indien etc…

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Dubai ≡ Las Vegas
Doha ≡ Atlanta

I much prefer Atlanta over Vegas.

Over my trips to the Middle East, I would rank Dubai far, far down my list of preferred cities. Just like Vegas, it’s really cool to see up close the first time, but within a couple of days it gets really old. Doha is more classy and laid-back, with significantly fewer Russian hookers.

1 « J'aime »

Moi aussi mais la grande majorité de la clientèle non, il n’y a qu’à comparer les stats de visiteurs, touristes, investisseurs ou pas, Dubai est largement devant(2022 ne compte pas pour Doha, coupe du monde fifa, once in a lifetime) et très mauvaise publicité sur le Qatar, pays finançant le terrorisme, peu ou pas de liberté de moeurs etc…

2 « J'aime »

Étrange lieu que peut etre Dubai quand je regarde le ratio homme - femme…Meme chose pour les Ëmirats arabe unis dans son ensemble.

Pyramide des ages Dubai


Pyramide des ages Émirats arabe unis

descarga un

1 « J'aime »

Les Émirats ne sont pas exactement de meilleurs élèves sur le plan des droits de l’homme…

Coke en Stock.

Ce n’est pas tout à fait clair si Montréal ou Vancouver (ou un mix des deux) obtiendra les fréquences de plus de Emirates (ou Etihad). Montréal serait bien positionnée pour ramasser les connexions du reste du Canada pour alléger Toronto (où la demande est énorme).

Vancouver a une demande locale déjà plus forte, et Air Canada est fortement limitée dans la desserte qu’elle peut faire à cause des restrictions liées à la Russie.

1 « J'aime »

The vast majority of Expat (“guest”) workers in the UAE are male, of course of younger working age. The flights and ferries to Kish (across the Gulf in Iran) are always full, as these workers need to leave every few months to renew their visas.

1 « J'aime »

I much prefer Ethiopian here at YUL. We probably have a bigger chance of getting ET in the future

4 « J'aime »

In 2019 rumour had it that they applied to fly YUL-ADD.

The true game changer would be if Ethiopian subsidiary ASKY Airlines joined Star Alliance, as it could provide connections to most major destinations in Western Africa from Lomé (Togo). If this were to happen, I’m 100% sure either Air Canada or Ethiopian would start the YUL-LFW route.

2 « J'aime »

But I wonder if EMIRATES wants to cash on Africa connections from YUL? YUL is an interesting market for both airlines, this is for sure.

3 « J'aime »

I’m not sure Emirates or Ethiopian have the best connection opportunities from YUL, but that’s really because of WHERE in Africa people are trying to go. If we just look at immigrants, it’s easy to see why it works from YYZ but not from YUL.

Here’s a chart that shows the country of birth for African immigrants who live in Toronto. We can see that 55% of them come from either Egypt or Eastern Africa, which means that 55% of the potential flying base is within 2500km (a 3 hour flight) from Addis Ababa, and within a 4 hour flight from Dubai.

Compare that with the chart for the Montréal CMA. While we have 40% more people of African origin here, 66% of them come from Northern Africa, in places where we already have direct flights, and 25% comes from Western and Central Africa, with most of those countries located between 5-8 hours flight time from Addis Ababa and Dubai in a back-tracking direction.

That’s why I’m saying if ever ASKY Airlines (which is 40% owned by Ethiopian) ever joins Star Alliance or simply codeshares with Air Canada, this could be a big game changer.

As for Emirates, they’re much more suitably located for onward connections to the Indian subcontinent., which is a much bigger pool of potential travellers. That would make YVR more fitting (especially with the current restrictions on Russian airspace) for them. I do believe, however, that Air Canada could do what it always does these days and open up YUL-DXB to turn the YYZ-DXB flight into a pure O&D flight while YUL gets all the connecting traffic. I think what would make Emirates choose YUL is to do something similar to Air Canada and make their A380 flights purely O&D out of Toronto, but then they could also just make YYZ a double daily.

11 « J'aime »

Wow !!! interesting . Thanks for this chart Xa1992

1 « J'aime »

Feel free to play with the data:

3 « J'aime »

Ça ne me surprend pas. Une grosse partie de la population est immigrante. Plus précisément, des immigrants économiques sous contrats qui veulent faire un peu d’argent pour l’envoyer à leur famille, donc, majoritairement des hommes.

Ca donne un drole d’univers. Un endroits ou 90% de la population n’est pas citoyenne et constitué au 3/4 d’hommes.

Super interesting.
It’s also so easy to reach North Africa through CDG but also BRU, AMS.

A321XLR could enable profitable AC routes too:

  • Dakar
  • Rabat or Marrakech to complement Casablanca
  • Tunis
  • More frequent service / resumed service to Alger

AC also has started Cairo, hub of Star partner Egyptair

Also note that while people from the Subcontinent are a much smaller group in Montreal, it is the fastest-growing I believe. Add to that people going to places like Seychelles, Maldives, etc. and maybe it’s a fair shot for Emirates… I mean. Qatar does it.

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