Aéroport Montréal-Trudeau (YUL) - Discussion générale

One more, Aeromexico’s 737MAX-9 arriving in Montreal this morning.

L’Aeromexico 737MAX-9 est arrivé à Montréal ce matin.

6 « J'aime »

Muchas Gracias.

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American? I think AA and Rouge are the only ones regularly operating the ceo into Montreal now.

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Montréal est un beau petit nuage tranquille comparé au chaos que sont Pearson et Vancouver…

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Je suis parti le 19 Mars et y’avait du monde en titi … a 4am a YUL

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Je ne parlais pas de l’achalandage. Mon point valait plus pour le chaos qui règne à l’aéroport. On chiale beaucoup sur YUL pour les problèmes de retards et de main d’oeuvre, mais on ne se rend pas compte que tous les grands aéroports canadiens vivent les même problèmes.

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January 2023 stats have been posted:

Total PAX: 1,486,103 (-3.0% vs 2019)
Domestic: 416,277 (-15.1%)
Transborder: 325,065 (-4.5%)
International: 744,761 (+6.2%)

Encouraging numbers even with far fewer aircraft movements (particularly domestic ones):

Total Aircraft Movements: 15,101 (-18.1% vs 2019)
Domestic: 6,708 (-28.5%)
Transborder: 4,834 (-11.0%)
International: 3,559 (-1.4%)

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A couple of alliance liveried 777’s came into YUL today.

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February 2023 stats have been posted:

YTD Total PAX: 2 862 999 (-3.4% vs 2019)
Domestic: 823 052 (-14.7%)
Transborder: 634 908 (-5.8%)
International: 1 405 039 (+6.0%)

YTD Total Aircraft Movements: 29 149 (-17.6% vs 2019)
Domestic: 13 139 (-27.0%)
Transborder: 9 318 (-11.9%)
International: 6 692 (-1.8%)

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En janvier:

YVR: 1,794,415 (51% international/49% domestic)
YUL: 1,486,120 (80% international/20% domestic)
YYC: 1,226,098 (33% international/67% domestic)

9 « J'aime »

Anyone know if the talk about Emirates coming to YUL is true?..

Expanded Canada-United Arab Emirates air transport agreement to allow more flights between both countries

Whether visiting family and friends or shipping goods to markets around the world, Canadians rely on the aviation industry to provide diverse international air services. Expanding Canada’s existing air transport relationships allows airlines to introduce more flight options and routings, which benefit passengers and businesses by providing greater choice while creating good jobs for Canadians and growing our economy.

Today, the Minister of Transport, the Honourable Omar Alghabra, announced the conclusion of an expanded air transport agreement between Canada and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is Canada’s largest air transport market in the Middle East. The expanded agreement allows 21 flights per week for each country. This will permit 50 per cent more flights than the maximum number previously possible, facilitate new routes, and give airlines greater flexibility to accommodate changes in market demand.

This significant move will better accommodate the growing Canada-UAE air transport market, improve Canada’s global connectivity, and support tourism and trade activity between the two countries.

The new rights under the expanded agreement are available for use by airlines immediately. This new agreement is also aligned with Canada’s Indo-Pacific Strategy since the UAE serves as a hub for many flights to Asia.

1 « J'aime »

I found this on Instagram today… I know they have recruited here in the past but ?

4 « J'aime »

Lol when Qatar started flying here and was soliciting bids from third-party full-service ground handling companies, all were rejected outright because the passenger-facing employees (check-in and gates) didn’t meet a certain “appearance” standard — ie. pretty young things.

Also, I have to wonder about the profitability of either EK or EY flying here; QR has never turned a profit on this flight, usually coming in less than half full and leaving with not much more than that. Plus, airplanes don’t make money sitting on the ground, but QR lands around 14:00, gets towed to a remote stand, and sits there all afternoon before being towed back to a gate around 21:00 for a 22:05 departure. The G3 already fly direct to almost every North American city, so it would be even more costly to continue downline like Royal Jordanian does with Detroit.

They like hiring here because applicants from Montreal have a higher rate of multilingualism, and represent multiple cultures. The kids who work in in-flight service for EK and EY are remarkably diverse. Every time I’ve flown with them, I’ve met affable, intelligent professional flight attendants From countries around the globe.

6 « J'aime »

So what are you saying

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I’m saying it will be interesting to see how it goes forward if indeed either of them flies into YUL

That’s for sure … especially the impact on Qatar. We will see. I find this exciting for YUL in this era of silence. It’s fun some rumour :wink:

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This is a bit deflating… How does QR do filling their premium seats out of YUL? If decent that may soften the profitability gap if not make it profitable. Why would they go daily as well if they’re not pulling in decent passenger numbers? Also I wonder why they just don’t switch to a lower capacity 787-8 to cut costs. They had A350s coming in before the paint issue which must have helped. Something doesn’t add up unless they look at YUL as a prestige route… but this isn’t 1980.

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ME3 don’t really care if they are turning a profit or not, they’re there to establish dominance and feed their hubs. Not really sure about their loads however, but everytime I pass their gate on my way to my flights, they seem pretty full to me.

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