Waldorf Astoria Montreal - 32 étages (2011)


Projet jamais réalisé de 225 chambres et de 116 résidences de la chaine Waldorf Astoria.


Nom: Waldorf Astoria Hotel & Residences Montreal
Emplacement: 1538 Sherbrooke Ouest
Hauteur: 32 étages
Architecte: Neuf Architectes (DCYSA)
Promoteur: Monit Investments

Dates importantes :

Autres informations:

  • 225 chambres et 116 résidences aux étages supérieurs
  • Construction d’une tour et agrandissement et la réunification de trois bâtiments existants

Sources des informations: CA 2010-03
Autres images:


Nouveau design - 2014

Design modifié tel que présenté dans un article de La Presse

1 « J'aime »

Très triste que ce projet n’ait pas vu le jour à mon avis.

Même si j’aime le design de cette proposition, je suis heureux qu’elle n’ait pas été construite parce qu’on a trop de tours jumelles à Montréal.

1 « J'aime »

Lol. Really?

2 « J'aime »

My heart hurts looking at what could’ve been. We have nothing from this century as distinctive as that.

Yes really, but don’t skip over the part where I said I like the design.

What do you mean by distinctive? We have buildings from this century that are similar to this proposal, although not as grand. 628 Saint Jacques is very similar in style and form to the 2014 proposal (except it’s not a twin tower project). You could also say the same for what Bronco has planned for the site.

I mean twin towers. There are a lot of nondescript buildings that look similar to each other, but the only “twin towers” I can think of are YUL and the Olympic Village.

I honestly don’t think anything truly distinctive has been built in this city since 1000 DLG. IMO everything since — including Deloitte — is meh, but I’ll reserve judgement on all the current building boom projects until I see them in the flesh. 628 is by far the most distinctive proposal so I’m looking forward to seeing the final result.

L’Avenue was distinctive but can’t barely be seen from any angle :frowning:

3 « J'aime »