The timing is perfect, this will be the last time I’ll be visiting Panama until after the holidays, so I’ll share many photos here as always!
Another map was shared on the RTL website that shows where the T-Buses are (T48 and T51):
The timing is perfect, this will be the last time I’ll be visiting Panama until after the holidays, so I’ll share many photos here as always!
Another map was shared on the RTL website that shows where the T-Buses are (T48 and T51):
Merci de cette carte de la RTL et de ta prochaine visite à la station. J’ai hâte que tu nous partages ces photos.
Voici le nouveau plan d’implantation de la station, sur laquelle on aperçoit maintenant l’ajout du stationnement sur Panama et la connexion au secteur “T”, qui n’apparaissaient sur l’ancienne version (2020):
Étrange qu’ils ne mentionne pas le nombre de places disponibles…
Et que le stationnement au coin Panama et Taschereau soit permanent c’est un peu désolant.
Étrange, ce petit bout de stationnement sur rue…
Then I will have to count them myself
This is currently a bus lane and a 3 lane street, so it’s nice knowing they’re trying to reduce the size of it (even if it’s just by adding parking). Here’s photo from Google Street View (September):
Also on the RTL map there’s another blue parking logo on the street below that, so I wonder if there will be more street parking…
Quick visit at Panama.
Here is one of the new metal signs installed:
The doors that are accessible now have a stripe of blue with an accessibility logo on the top:
Wing A and half of wing B have heaters installed! They aren’t turned on yet:
The ticket stand has a sign installed on it, no fare machines yet:
J’ai vu ce matin les lignes peint au sol pour environ 5-6 places de stationnement… va t’il avoir d’autres le long de Philippine ?
I saw that marked out too in spray paint, but didn’t walk around to see if there’s more parking down the street.
Also unrelated I saw a new structure being made similar to a bus shelter by the area where the T buses are.
You don’t think it’s a kiss and cry for cars coming from the other direction?
It is! They painted a bike path with separated pedestrian area over it. I’ll get photos on my Monday visit (too dark now)
I have visited for the opening of Rue Philippines! It was very cold but I still got many photos to share.
To start, the crosswalk by Taschereau has been moved to the street inside of closer to the bus terminal. A fence is also being added. From what I saw, many people were crossing the street where buses go in order to get a short cut into the bus terminal (the old crossing was on the other side of the tunnel). This wasn’t that safe, so this new arrangement should reduce that:
The new bike/pedestrian path (with a police car blocking it, incredible) to the new parking lot at the corner of Panama and Taschereau. Yes, there is a stop sign for pedestrians/bikes crossing the parking entrance. I don’t think they understand how people work (the cars should be the ones stopping, not people):
When I visited at 8am, the parking lot was already about 95% full. I counted, and this parking lot has 205 parking spaces. The lights in this parking lot are designed to match the ones in the bus parking and pathways surrounding the REM:
With not that much clear signage, the parallel parking was empty. This features 7 parking spaces:
Rue Philippines, is a major improvement to how streets are designed in the area. The street is only 1 lane for cars each way, and a bus lane each way (not really needed, but better than a car lane):
There’s now also a HUGE pedestrian crossing from the bus terminal, REM, and plaza area. The crossing will eventually be raised, but currently is not, so temporary ramps were paved:
More in my next post…
The pedestrian plaza area was empty on this VERY cold morning. Sadly, the parking lot here (which will have 171 parking spots, not all are open to the public) has street lamps that aren’t specially designed, despite them being closest to the REM:
I could just walk in…
The coverings, seen here as if you’re leaving the REM, are very tall, probably around 12 feet, they feel very substantial:
Work is underway on a taxi-bus waiting area at the corner of the covered section. Also, the bike path to sector P and along the highway is not complete as seen:
The sidewalk at Rue Philippines and Boulevard Pelletier is only temporary as I shared before, with jersey barriers being used as protection for the asphalt sidewalk:
Last thing to share, my favourite pedestrian crossing (that I believe will be raised because there’s a lot of bumps on the left crosswalk), this crossing goes right into dirt with the sidewalk not connected to it (and no ramp):
Total parking count for Terminus Panama and Panama Station: 383 Parking spots
Mauvais planification de leur part dès le début. Ils ont mis un accès pour personnes handicapées (aveugles) Ils devront l’enlever plus tard j’imagine ? Ils ont déjà commencé à effacer la traverse peinte.
@mashdash m’a vraiment donné le goût de me déplacer à Brossard afin d’y observer l’avancement des travaux (merci bcp, car je ne l’ai pas regretté !
Voici mes quelques petites observations:
Il y aura bel et bien des toilettes publiques…
… éventuellement accessibles aux usagers, dans le terminus d’autobus.
De même d’une salle d’attente:
Nouveau plan du terminus, selon la RTL:
Constrairement aux ailes A et B, l’installation des chaufferettes, au plafond de l’aile C, n’était pas encore complétée.
De nombreux supports à vélo seront disponibles, entre le terminus d’autobus et la station du REM:
Futur abribus pour le transport adapté:
Si près…
Mais je n’ai pas succombé à la tentation (je voyais un employé ou agent de sécurité au loin… )
Malgré le report de la mise en service du REM au printemps 2023, je me demande si on pourra observer l’oeuvre Un voyage sans fin au-delà du présent de l’artiste Chih-Chien Wang à l’intérieur de la station avant l’été.
Le Courrier du Sud | 15 décembre 2022 | Par Ali Dostie
L’implantation de vignettes de stationnement dans les secteurs T, P et C entourant les stations du Réseau express métropolitain (REM) à Brossard entrera en vigueur le 15 avril 2023.
Dans certaines zones, le stationnement sera réservé à l’usage exclusif des résidents qui se seront dotés d’une vignette. Les voies publiques visées feront l’objet «d’une signalisation appropriée, du lundi au vendredi, de 9h à 12h, du côté pair et de 13h à 17h, du côté impair», stipule le règlement adopté le 6 décembre.
Sur chaque vignette sera inscrit la zone pour laquelle le permis est délivré, la description et le numéro d’immatriculation du véhicule, ainsi que le numéro du permis.
La vignette, gratuite, sera valide pour un an et renouvelable. Les vignettes délivrées en 2022 sont valides jusqu’au 31 décembre 2023.
Les résidents des secteurs touchés seront informés par courrier de la procédure, au printemps.
I wonder if this could mean the REM is opening sometime in April…
Oui, possiblement.
Et il y aussi une règlementation pour le déneigement à Brossard du 15 novembre… au 15 avril:
383 places de stationnement… Je suis la seule a trouver que ce n’est pas beaucoup? Mon copain et moi on est allé voir en voiture a 9h ce matin (oui je sais c’est tard, et il y avait peu d’espoir d’avoir de la place mais on a quand meme pris une chance) et nous n’étions pas les seuls a retourner de bord car il y avait pas de place de stationnements dans les 2 zones. On a meme essayé d’aller dans un autre parking plus loin pour les employés mais il était surveillé. Finalement on est allé a Chevrier.
Did you try the 7 parallel parking spots north of the bus terminal on rue Philippines? I saw that was empty before, not sure now.
Also the number of parking spaces has decreased from 1900, down to 800, then 400, and now slightly less. The original plan I believe was just 200 parking spaces, and if we remove the new one north of the bus terminal, it’s 171. The priority is now put on the bus network than on people driving
Yeah the 7 parallel parking spots were already taken unfortunately. We usually take the bus, but today was a special day since we are coming back really really late. So there won’t be any bus going into our neighborhood, that’s why we needed to go park at one of the terminus.