Service de vélos en libre-service BIXI - Actualités

Ou c’est du tubeless? Pas 100% anti-crevaison mais beaucoup plus résistant aux pinch flats et débris divers.

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Ça pourrait être du tubeless. Par contre, le scellant liquide requis pour des pneus tubeless a tendance à mal performer par temps froid et à se solidifier après 3-4 mois. Donc à long terme je suis pas sûr que ce soit la meilleure solution. Déjà que c’est rare de voir des BIXI avec les pneus crevé.

There was some interesting tidbits in the write-up of the fancy financial report

La Ville de Montréal et BIXI officialiseront
les para-mètres futurs du service à l’année
l’automne prochain, notamment
en ce qui concerne la tarification
et le territoire desservi.

On aimerait surtour connaître le nombre de stations et de vélos qui resteront

Parmi les projets récents, actuels
et prévus d’ici 2026, mentionnons
l’amélioration des points d’ancrage et
des pavés aux stations
pour une
meilleure expérience de location, de
nouveaux mats solaires cinq fois plus
puissants et la mise à jour technologique
et esthétique des kiosques

First bit is at least making docks a more reliable locking and unlocking (with needing to resort to violence), and less prones to dead docks (a problem more prevalent than broken bikes imho) and probably tries to go for less loud (neighbours have been known to complain) and possibly a shape where it’s easier to shovel the now ?
A renewed system for the kiosks is great, it is technically possible to rent by credit card, but between the stupid number of steps and the slow and dim LCD screen, it’s a pain in the ass
The new solar panels would be needee either to power a better screen, or hopefully to allow for some slow charging of ebikes at all stations which would drastically improve bixi’s logistics. I don’t think they’d need to be much bigger, solar panel tech has advanced a lot in the last decade.
I would guess this is about those solar panels, though I did not expect this price, 800k is a lot.

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You mean that violence was an option?

I have to fight with the docs to relock 60% of the time.
The worst tho is when a dock takes the bike but refuse to give me a green light even tho that someone else literally can rent it while apparently I’m still renting it as well

I always double-check in the app to make sure the bike is returned… At some stations, such as Lionel-Groulx, it takes up to 5 minutes for the trip to appear in my profile.

Also, some people reported that the green light isn’t a sure thing.

I had the only power supply to the station (the rinky dinky solar panel) blocked by a leaf or something and kill the station when i deposited the bike, had to call them and have them send someone to visually confirm its locked to allow me to rent another one or pay a 48h bike rental