Complexe aquatique Pierrefonds-Roxboro - 2 étages

Complexe aquatique réalisé sur le terrain adjacent à la mairie d’arrondissement.


Nom: Complexe aquatique Pierrefonds-Roxboro
Hauteur: 2 étages

  • Atelier Paul Laurendeau
  • Héloïse Thibodeau Architecte

Promoteur: Ville de Montréal
Début et fin de la construction: 2023 / 2026
Dates importantes:

Autres informations:

  • Coût estimé: 62.4 M$
  • Superficie: 4 500 m2
  • Un bassin de 25m (demi-olympique) avec 10 couloirs
  • 2 bassins additionnels (pour l’apprentissage) et d’une pateaugeoire
  • Salle polyvalente de 400m2 pouvant accueillir 300 personnes

Sources des informations:

Autres images



This sign went up a little while ago, but today was the first chance I got to see it up close.


Début des travaux à l’automne, par la firme Tisseur inc. 62.4 millions de dollars.
Je n’ai pas trouvé un rendu de la future construction.

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Construction of Pierrefonds-Roxboro aquatic complex starts next month

Pricey but worth it, says Montreal mayor

Joe Bongiorno · CBC News · Posted: Aug 18, 2023 1:31 PM EDT | Last Updated: August 18

A new pool design.
The city of Montreal says one pool will look like this when the complex is completed in early 2026. (City of Montreal)

Pierrefonds-Roxboro will be getting its long-awaited aquatic complex, the city of Montreal announced on Friday, with a price tag of $62.4 million.

Construction begins next month, and the work is expected to be completed in early 2026, according to the city of Montreal.

“I think it’s a really important addition and will contribute to the quality of life, not only for residents of Pierrefonds-Roxboro, but the whole West Island and Île Bizard and Sainte-Geneviève,” said Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante Plante.

The project includes a 25-metre pool with eight swimming lanes, a recreational pool, a paddling pool, a multipurpose room and common areas, all part of an ecological design to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the city said in a news release.

Although the city is footing most of the bill, Quebec’s Education Ministry will be contributing $7.5 million.

Acknowledging the high cost of the project, Plante described the future centre as a place of coming together for the community, one that fosters health and social connections for people of all ages and socioeconomic backgrounds, long-time residents and new arrivals.

“Yes, it’s infrastructure that’s pricey, it has to be said. It’s a significant budgetary item, it’s worth it,” said Plante.

A new pool design.
An artist’s rendition of the pool that Pierrefonds-Roxboro Mayor Jim Beis says his borough has been awaiting for more than a decade. (City of Montreal)

Executive committee vice-chair Caroline Bourgeois said the estimate takes into account increased construction costs and inflation, and therefore Montrealers should not expect a “nasty surprise” when it comes to the final cost.

Although construction was initially announced in August 2018 — then at a cost of $43 million, almost $20 million less than the current estimate — Bourgeois said the construction contract was awarded last Wednesday, and the project is finally going ahead.

“We can’t be any more concrete with the machinery on the ground,” said Bourgeois, who affirmed that the price being paid is an accurate figure for what it costs to build such a project in Montreal in 2023.

She also said offering swimming lessons close to home will make the community safer.

Pierrefonds-Roxboro Mayor Jim Beis said the borough has been working for more than a decade to make the centre a reality, and it’s a win for Montreal’s West Island.

“It’s really a legacy project for Pierrefonds-Roxboro, a pool that’s been requested by our citizens for a long time,” said Beis.

“We have sent our kids to neighbouring communities for all their swimming and aquatic services, and so to have a proximity service that prioritizes folks from our communities … is huge,” he said.

Beis said the facility represents the first step in creating a new point of assembly and public square in the Pierrefonds-Roxboro that will be at the heart of its planned central hub.


Here we go!



Although I have no idea how they can finish the rest of the sector as “Downtown Pierrefonds” with 100-year floods every two or three years, and without moving Public Works out near the western fire station (Caserne 59) west of Chateau-Pierrefonds.

Les avancements du complexe aquatique vont de bon train!

Actuellement, l’entrepreneur poursuit la coulée des murs de fondation, également appelée « footprint », qui, une fois achevée, formera le sous-sol. Pendant la période hivernale, la construction des murs de fondation pour l’ensemble du complexe sera en cours.

Trouvez les détails ici 👉

The aquatic complex is well under way!

The contractor is currently pouring the foundation walls, which, once completed, will form the basement. Throughout the winter, the foundation walls for the entire complex will be under construction.

Find details here 👉



Pierrefonds-Roxboro : un concours de design en vue de la conception d’une place publique

8 mai 2024

Un concours de design visant l’aménagement d’une place publique adjacente au complexe aquatique et récréatif de l’arrondissement de Pierrefonds-Roxboro sera lancé prochainement à l’échelle nationale.

Le Conseil d’arrondissement a entériné, le 6 mai dernier, une proposition visant à accorder un contrat de conception détaillée pour l’aménagement de cette place publique à la suite d’un concours de design.

Un mandat a par ailleurs été octroyé pour l’élaboration des paramètres fonctionnels et techniques régissant la conception de la future place publique.

Un investissement de l’ordre de 4,5 M$ issu du Programme décennal d’immobilisation est prévu pour la réalisation de la première phase du projet.

La future place publique, dont la complétion est prévue en 2028, s’inscrit dans la foulée de l’agrandissement de la bibliothèque de Pierrefonds en 2019, de l’aménagement du parc du Millénaire à l’automne 2022 et de la construction du Complexe aquatique de Pierrefonds-Roxboro dont les travaux seront complétés au printemps 2026.


16 novembre 2024