Cartes, plans et signalétique métropolitaine

That right there is why I generally loop inside of both wheels as well as the frame. It takes longer, but it means that they either need to pick the lock or cut the wire.

I like your signage mock ups a lot. I wonder if the exits should be red boxes like out of the metro. But then you mix letters uses. sigh Maybe use katakana, just to keep moving with the Japan influence? :sweat_smile:

This is probably better than one idea I had kicking around my head, which was naming paths in the RESO. So, imagine one path from 100DLG to Gare Centrale, through PVM, along tunnel level up the escalators to McGill metro, another from The Bay all the way to Peel metro. To help navigation, you get the property owners add LED strips of a certain colour along the ceilings and on the escalators/stairs when a path goes up or down.

1 « J'aime »

That could go with this, there are different named paths with labeled exits!

How nice of exo too let the owner of the bike 744+ extra hours for the notice /S

If your going to put a notice and threaten that you will dispose of the bike, why are you not acting on your words…

The one issue that I have with this is that RESO is still slowly expanding. Letters might not be enough eventually. Hence, it might be better to use numbers for the buildings and letters for the exits. I could be wrong, but I don’t think that there’s all that many buildings with 26 exits.

2 « J'aime »

We could either goes with double letter or introduce greek letters !

1 « J'aime »

A’ and then A’’

At what point are they EVER gonna update the signage?

For crying out loud these trains are going on the SJ line and it’s missing Mirabel

Pointe-aux-tremble is apparently still in construction
Sauvé does not exist yet
And du-canal is in construction apparently…

The zones being a dead thing
And let’s not forget about the dm line existing

7 « J'aime »

I’m assuming they’re waiting for the REM to open in order to show Cote de Liesse as terminal for line 15

5 « J'aime »

How many studies does it take to realise that this sign is wrong