Un message a été fusionné à un sujet existant : Solstice - 44 étages
December 2nd. Work on what is going to be the elevator cage and the core is getting done. Hopefully we can see the crane up before the holidays.
January 26th. Difficult to see, but work is getting done on what seems to be the future elevator pit.
Montreal crane city …
Bienvenue !
C’est depuis la TDC 2?
Bienvenue et merci pour le super point de vue!
Merci à vous!
Oui, c’est vu de la TDC2.
Welcome to the club, and what a great first picture! If you live @TDC2, you will have a great perspective to provide us updates on these two projects.
Je remarque que presque tous les étages de l’Avenue ont des lumières, c’est bon signe!
Like Detroit did for the Super Bowl in 2006!
February 18th. I think only @FrancoisL will be able to give us good updates of this site until it reaches ground floor.
5 mars 2021
La porte sur Lucien-L’Allier étant ouverte, j’ai pu avoir un point de vue inédit de ce chantier!
Wow! Thank you! I was so curious to know what was happening here.